i like to talk about icons

Jan 21, 2009 14:55

Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List each one in your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance it has....

My default icon... it's probably one of the most significant to me, because this is the one image in WALL-E that always sticks with me- it represents how far love can grow, and the effect it can have on the world. And just... tree in a booot...

I always loved this poster, it's just so representative of WALL-E before he met EVE. Wistful and lonely, but still optimistic.

Retro future art yay! Everyone needs more M-O. And he's 100% sanitary!

Star Wars quote combined with WALL-E and M-O? Win.

More credits art... I just really loved the image of WALL-E's home over the lake.

I watched this scene recently on Youtube, and it is SO WALL-E.

I liked this image of EVE, early in the movie when she is just starting to discover new things, thanks to WALL-E. The colors in this icon are just really pretty too.

My fandom has stalker charm! XD  Based on a quote from the Geek Track, and the fact that WALL-E is one of the only charming stalkers you'll ever meet.

One of my "art" icons. IT'S SO ADORABLE.

My "sexy Azula" icon... this facial expression is just awesome, combined with her hair swooshing in her face... !!!

I needed a "nervous" icon, and I love TBR! Ty Lee's decision was epic win.

Epic icon of Kataang meeting for the first time... it's an iconic moment in the series, and it makes a good Kataang icon!

I wanted to make an icon of something I had drawn... and I always liked how this painting turned out.

THE OTHER THING IN THE CREDITS THAT MADE ME CRY. If you watch all the way through, you get this image with the last tinkling notes of Horizon 12.2, and the whole thing just represented the simplicity of their love. /corny

In other news, I started back up playing Diamond version today... I beat the 6th gym and the Galactic Boss... but now I have to go through Mt. Coronet *sob* I HATE CAVES. D:

Also, there is like no ice or snow on the roads, and they still canceled school yesterday. HAHAHA.

pokemon, meme, pretending to be a gamer chick

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