(no subject)

Mar 03, 2011 11:05

 GUUUYYYYSSS spring break is so close! SO CLOSE.

I am actually ending the first half of the semester in a good mood? In relatively well health? I still don't know if I'm actually healthy though so I'm going in for tests and stuff over break.

ALSO, I have a job interview! I am really hoping I get this job over the summer. It's a camp counselor position, which I actually have a lot of experience for, and it's surprisingly well paid! So, wish me luck with that!

Okay, I am going to record my health things here just so I remember what to tell the doctor on monday:

Ever since December, I've been throwing up periodically. The first time, it was after I ate a lot of food. I suddenly felt sick, threw up, and then felt better afterwards. This is before I got back to school. I guess I might have been stressed about going back? It was also right after I said goodbye to my best friends.

Then, over the entire semester, I have been waking up in the morning feeling sick, and then throwing up. It's pretty much happened every week this semester, sometimes several times a week. I've also had trouble eating, but that is probably because I AM SO SICK OF THE FOOD HERE. But yeah, I've been skipping meals pretty regularly, because of illness and also because sometimes I feel too tired/depressed to eat.

Since all of the times i threw up were in the morning (excepting the first time) I thought that might have been a pattern, but then last week, I threw up right before I went to bed. I wasn't stressed out about anything, I was just hanging out with my friends! Sooooo, I can't really find a stress/emotion/food related pattern to this?? It's really weird!

ANYYWAYYYYSSS! How are you all spending your spring breaks? I am going to spend mine watching Pretty Little Liars in exchange for my sister reading Homestuck. I might go to the beach for a day with my best friend, too! 

health, break!

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