(no subject)

Jan 21, 2011 13:33

My body hates me, blllaarrrgh.

The good news is, I'm really liking animation class! I was really worried that I wouldn't enjoy the actual process, but it turns out... I really do??? We're just doing bouncing balls right now but it is still REALLY FUN! I am so excited!!

On the other hand, a lot of my friends are dealing with lots of sad stuff right now, and it's kind of taking it out of me, emotionally. It's hard to be there for everyone but I'm trying my best to be someone that people can talk to about stuff. It's just kind of depressing, a lot of the problems are financial because this school is so crazy expensive and I feel like I can't really do anything to help.

BUT! Another good thing that is happening is that three of my friends here are also really into Homestuck now. It's really fun having people IRL who share a current fandom with you! Especially one like MSPA where we just quote random lines at each other all the time. I'm having a lot of fun with this fandom, the comic itself is not ~*~the best thing ever~*~, but it's silly and fun and I just love all the characters. It's pretty much just what I need right now!!

Hmmm, what else. Wow, this post is very flip-floppy. Pretty much, things are good and things are also bad right now. Just life, basically.

ringling, homestuck, rl

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