Hey, hey.... hey.
So! I am doing a lot better this weekend. Today was pretty awesome, despite the fact that I worked on homework pretty much all day, I also I watched a ton of awesome movies, went out to Chinese food and churros with my friends, and I'm just... happy. (Despite the fact that I had to interact with creeper Nice Guy dude, at least the rest of my friends know about the situation now though and managed to cut that conversation short)
Tomorrow is my last full day here before Thanksgiving break! I am very much ready to spend time with my family... haha, I have so much packing to do, what even. Tomorrow night is going to be insane.
Anyways! I'm flying out of Tampa on Tuesday to Kansas City, spending ONE DAY there with my family (for a Duke game,) then I'm flying up to Portland for MORE Duke games, and I get to meet my baby cousin for the first time and see my aunt for the first time in like, seven years! Exciting!
And now, for some unpopular(?) opinions:
I've been so frusterated at Disney and Pixar and their attitude lately. Surrounding this whole Tangled business, this idea that a film with a female lead won't appeal to boys, based on the fact that The Princess and the Frog didn't do as well as expected (when the REAL reason it didn't do as well is because it came out at the same time as SMURFATAR.) How Disney is saying that they want to move away from fairy tales to concentrate on more original stories. (read: stories with male leads)
The fact that Pixar's first female director left the studio, and their first movie ever with a female lead is once again in the hands of the Pixar Boy's Club... it's just... incredibly, incredibly frustrating to me, as a woman who wants to succeed in this industry.
But! Kung Fu Panda 2 is being directed by Jennifer Yuh, the lady who directed the amazing 2D animated intro to the first Kung Fu Panda! FOUR FOR YOU, DREAMWORKS. I don't know, guys, I just feel like Dreamworks is on the rise lately. Kung Fu Panda, How To Train Your Dragon, and Megamind were all awesome movies... I am actually starting to have some faith in them as a creative studio?
As for Pixar... Cars 2. Guys, I don't even know if I am going to see that movie. I just... I don't know anymore. I still have a lot of respect for Pixar but right now I am side-eyeing them SO HARD.
IT'S JUST HARD. I have so much respect and admiration for Pixar, you guys. They are the reason I decided to major in animation... but I feel like my rosy view of them has been totally shattered. I feel personally let down by all of this. It's depressing.
For those of you who have seen Megamind... IS DREAMWORKS MEGAMIND AND PIXAR METRO MAN?