Oct 21, 2010 11:46
Hello, hello, here is a post.
So, I got my midterm grades, and I have a U in art history. Which is just really annoying because we only have like TWO GRADES in that class, and one of them is a 58 and one of them is an 80. Like, I think I would be doing much better in that class if we actually had more graded assignments! I'm going to go in for academic advising though and try and get on track. We have an essay assignment that is gonna boost my grade a lot too because it's really easy.
I'm doing excellently in all of my studio classes though, so woo!
Today is just going to be a fucking long day. One class down, two to go, and then I have a ton of work to get done for a project that's due tomorrow. I'll probably be up really late. :/
Good news: My mom and my grandma are getting here tomorrow morning and I'm finally getting my hair cut! And I'm going to get it cut like Riza's short hair!
life as an art student