aw yeah procrastination!

Aug 16, 2010 14:37

Well, last day at home. I still have some packing to do but I am going to procrastinate and do some more meme responses. Aw yeah. But first, some pictures from yesterday!

Human!WALL-E/EVE. Because WALL-E was the movie that inspired me to go to art school in the first place.

Since I'm going to be talking about them in this section of the meme anyways, Al/May! Immediately after Al gets his body back. Drew this in 30 minutes at 2 AM last night, haha.

21. A pairing you think gets too little attention: Alphonse Elric/May Chang, Fullmetal Alchemist


Okay, it is completely ridiculous how little of this ship there is in FMA fandom. RIDICULOUS. I mean I can almost understand the lack of OT3 seeing as that's not REALLY canon and all, but, DUDE. AL/MAY IS 100% CANON. They are my little ship that could, and I just love how Arakawa developed them. It started off as this shallow little crush but it grew to be a lot more than that. May didn't fall in love with Al because of his looks, she fell in love with his soul and that just makes my heart explode. They are just pure happiness and adorableness and I just want them to get married and have two kids and a million cats. Before chapter 108 came out, my only hope was that we got SOMETHING with these two and man did Arakawa go above and beyond having Al go to Xing and including May in the Elric Family Portrait. Just. sjdfdjfhsjfhsd MY LITTLE STEATH OTP I LOVE YOU. <33333

22. A pairing that a lot of people ship, but you don’t: Roy/Ed, Fullmetal Alchemist


23. An unpopular pairing that you like: Mai/Zuko, Avatar: The Last Airbender

Whatever, Avafandom, I am so done with you. I love these two together, I love how dorky Zuko is around Mai and how she is the only one who would put up with his dorkiness. I want them to get married and be the most awkward but loving parents ever. I just love them.

25. A pairing that you have grown to like but didn't at first
26. Favorite childhood pairing:
27. Pairing you think is the most adorable:
28. A pairing people would be surprised you like:
29. Your favorite of all the relationships you’ve posted so far:
30. Free choice

wall-e, meme, avatar, 30 days meme, fma

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