You thought you might be a ghost

Jun 19, 2010 19:43

I feel like I just got hit by a NOSTALGIA BOMB. And that is, working at Duke Basketball Camp. Last time I worked there was two years ago, and it was right as WALL-E was coming out, right before the Avatar finale... it was when Viva La Vida was just released. (Shut up, I love Coldplay)

I was reading The Grapes of Wrath... my first AP summer assignment. It was also when I was starting to get really active on LJ.

It's so weird how far I've come since then... I never thought in those weeks after I first saw WALL-E that I would actually be on track to a career as an animator. But in some ways, I haven't changed at all since I was fifteen. It's gonna be a strange few days.

Also! I'm getting an iPhone 4! Our friend from Apple is expediting the shipping so it might even be here by next weekend!

my career choice gets a tag, rl

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