(no subject)

Jun 12, 2010 19:19

madirose  tagged me for a meme!

TODAY'S ROUTINE: June 12, 2010 (meredyd 's birthday! :D :D)

12:00 am: Talked to meredyd  on AIM while she finished reading FMA. Reread 107 and 108 again, got feelings all over myself.
2:00 am: Meredith finished reading FMA, more feelings everywhere. I stayed up so that I could read her amazing flashfic about Winry and the Elric Brothers. It was awesome. Then, I went to bed. I'm staying at Shaina's house so when I crawled into bed with her she babbled some nonsense at me. It was funny!
11:00 am: Finally roll out of bed after a fitful night of sleep. I have a hard time sleeping the first night at someone's house. I'm staying here all week though so it should get better!
12:00 noon: Eat lunch with Shaina, her mom, her little brother, and her grandparents. I had some mac and cheese! Before eating, I drew some doodles of Al and May, and another doodle of Greed giving May advice on how to get her man. (don't ask.)
1:00 pm: Check all of my online stuff, read chapter 108 again on mangastream. 
2:00 pm: Watch some ridiculous show about lottery winners with Shaina. We yelled at most of those lottery winners for being stupid.
3:00 pm: Write some fanfic on my ipod touch. '
4:00 pm: Went to Kelsey's graduation party with Shaina that I wasn't actually invited to. Had fun anyways! I wrote more fanfic on my ipod while talking to people. We had yummy Mediterranean Deli food. 
6:30 pm: :Left Kelsey's house early to go feed Jessica's animals. 
7:00 pm: Got back to Shaina's house, planning on spending the evening in with a movie and popcorn. Filling out this meme?

Hopefully MJ or Meredith will sign on to AIM so that I can talk about FMA some more. Haha.

meme, rl

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