Fic! And other stuff.

May 25, 2010 13:10

 Hey guys! I actually wrote a fic that's over 1000 words long. (1500, to be exact. Haaaa.)

Earth of A Hundred Nations: A:TLA, Team Toushi. (My OC gaang, set ~200 years postcanon)

In other news, I'm really sick right now! GOOD TIMES.

This morning was the Senior Breakfast, and I got the "Most Artistic" superlative in the newspaper! That's actually pretty exciting to me, I didn't know so many people even knew I was artistic? (Though, I guess all I do in class is draw.)

I finished two out of my four final projects yesterday... today, I'm going to finish up the third. (It's just editing a video so it shouldn't be too hard.)

I feel like crap so I'm going to keep this short!

team toushi, i'm too cool for school, avatar, fic?!?!

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