(no subject)

Sep 03, 2008 16:51

Ughhhh I have to wirte an entire essay tonight. D: Luckily it is only two pages, sooooo... yeah. OH and I also have to read like 10 pages out of my textbook. :P I really shouldn't be on the interwebs right now... BUT HERE I AM LOLOL.


My dad has never seen The Incredibles. I KNOW RIGHT? So, we are buying that DVD as soon as possible. I don't know why we don't already own it... Anyways, it is important that everyone must see every Pixar movie ever. (Even though I didn't see Ratatouille until like last month hahaha)

I myself have not seen The Incredibles in foreverrrr (though I did play the band arrangement of the music in Freshman year, WHICH WAS AWESOME) So I went and looked up the concept art for the movie on Pixar's website. (YEAH I AM JUST COOL LIKE THAT)

SO in conclusion, superheroes are awesome and I want to give the Pixar team a big hug! Character design omggg :D I love the comic-book feel of the characters.

Oh and also I am already trying to plan a party for when I get the WALL-E DVD even though I pretty much have no free weekends until late November.... IT WILL HAPPEN. I will be sure of it.



Uhhh so I really want to get a paid account BECAUSE 15 USERPICS IS NOT ENOUGH

Mostly because I want to add this one. YEAH I LOVE THE SOUP.

the incredibles, wall-e, pixar, the soup lol, artistic ramblings

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