(no subject)

May 04, 2010 17:47

Man, today was the longest day ever. I failed my AP exam for Statistics hahahaha. Oh well, it's not like I was expecting anything better. (In a few months, it will no longer matter anyways!)

I've decided to start a reread of all of the FMA manga-- rawles is doing it right now, and I realized that I've only read the entire thing straight through once! (I've probably read every chapter at least 3 times by now, though. XD) I just finished volume one, and wow, I forgot how much you DON'T know about the backstory of everything in the beginning. The introduction of everyone is a lot better in the manga than it is in Brotherhood, at any rate. *nods*

Hmmm... other news! Oh yeah! I'm seeing Wicked tomorrow night for the first time! I've wanted to see it for years, so I'm pretty excited. Unfortunately, I already know pretty much everything that happens thanks to my friend Jessica. BUT IT IS OKAY, IT WILL STILL BE FUN TIMES.

I just want this week to be over with... AP exaaaaaamss. (I have English on Thursday, and then Psychology on next Tuesday)

i'm too cool for school, broadway, manga, fma

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