(no subject)

Apr 10, 2010 22:07

Today was a great day... it was the Accepted Students Day at Ringling, and it was my dad's first time seeing the campus. I'm convinced more than ever now that this is the perfect school for me. I just can't wait to start animating. *___* We talked to one of the animation professors for almost an hour... he worked at Dreamworks, and he seemed like a really cool guy.

Then tonight, we caught a screening of Waking Sleeping Beauty at the Sarasota Film Festival, and we even got to meet the director, Don Hahn. He was the producer on The Lion King, and he's still really big in the animation industry. (He's working with Tim Burton on a stop motion film right now, actually) He told me that I was off to a great start to make it as an animator at Ringling. I'M JUST SO EXCITED FOR MY LIFE. hahha

I'll post pictures when I get home.

Anyways! A meme!

The Rules: Comment if you'd like a color.
Then list ten things that you like/love which are that color.

suspicious  gave me GREEN!
  • The Plant from WALL-E, and by extension, EVE. hehehe.
  • Toph. (What, she wears green!)
  • Money (Honey)!
  • Winry's bandanna. 
  • Mint chocolate chip icecream
  • Prince Naveen as a frog is green! hahaa
  • Invader ZIM
  • My room. :)
  • The color of the trees here in the summer. 
  • Asparagus! hahhaah random.

disney!, ringling, college stuff, animation, meme

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