(no subject)

Apr 02, 2010 00:42

Yeah, yeah, woo. heyyoitsmj  and I are about finished with our general FMA fanmix. It's quite angsty, haha. A preview, it's called Change All the Lead which is a pretty baller title if I do say so myself, because it's referencing alchemy, haha. (it's a lyric from Neighborhood #1 by The Arcade Fire.) It should go up sometime next week when I get back.

I've been in a bit of a rut artwise lately. Doesn't help that my computer keeps DELETING MY FILES, WTF.

Anyways, tomorrow I'm leaving for the Final Four. I'll be back on Monday or Tuesday, depending on how Duke does! I haven't been to the NCAA championships since 2004 so it's going to be pretty fun. Hopefully I can get a lot of HeartGold played, I haven't had much time lately!

Oh yeah!


sports are kinda boring sometimes, traveling through space and time?, eljay friends, fma

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