
Nov 02, 2009 17:19

Give me a character from any fandom, tv show, movie, book you know that I know and I will tell you:

a. My favorite thing about that character.
b. My least favorite thing about that character.
c. One person I would ship them with in their own verse.
d. One crossover ship for them I think would be neat.
e. One crossover universe for them I think would be ( Read more... )


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schellibie November 3 2009, 02:26:57 UTC
a. My favorite thing about that character.
- I like the way he looks at the camera... it's just always funny.
b. My least favorite thing about that character.
- Sometimes he's a bit of an idiot. XD
c. One person I would ship them with in their own verse.
-Well, Pam of course!
d. One crossover ship for them I think would be neat.
-Uhhh.... I can't think of anyone else but Pam. XD
e. One crossover universe for them I think would be even neater.
-Futurama. Oh the hilarity!!
f. Their ship from hell.
-Jim/Dwight hahahaha
g. Their song.
- Uhh I dont have one. XD
h. The title of their biography or autobiography.
- How to survive Dunder Mifflin Scranton: A Guide
i. The last bad dream they had.
j. How they're gonna shuffle off the mortal coil, if they haven't already.
Uhhh of old age. I'm too nice. XD


rosemusek November 2 2009, 23:03:15 UTC
Haha, Sokka. Just for the heck of it. :p


schellibie November 3 2009, 02:31:50 UTC
a. My favorite thing about that character.
- I love how he's the comic relief, but also really really smart and the plan-guy!
b. My least favorite thing about that character.
- I don't HAVE a least favorite thing about SOKKA
c. One person I would ship them with in their own verse.
- Suki, o' course. Yue is good too.
d. One crossover ship for them I think would be neat.
e. One crossover universe for them I think would be even neater.
- Futurama. (I might just say this for everyone, haha. Futurama is such a fun and crazy universe. XD)
f. Their ship from hell.
g. Their song.
-Annoyingly, I have never found a proper Sokka song.
h. The title of their biography or autobiography.
- The Exciting Adventures of the Super Awesome Best Plan-Guy with a Boomerang and Space Sword and Oh Yeah The Avatar is There Too BUY THIS BOOK
i. The last bad dream they had.
- Food eats people
j. How they're gonna shuffle off the mortal coil, if they haven't already.
- Doing something completely awesome, I'm sure!


yukinoomoni November 3 2009, 00:12:20 UTC


schellibie November 3 2009, 02:36:08 UTC
a. My favorite thing about that character.
-She's completely badass and wonderful.
b. My least favorite thing about that character.
-Well, I just would've liked to see more of her! But that's what fanfic is for!
c. One person I would ship them with in their own verse.
d. One crossover ship for them I think would be neat.
- Man, none of my fandoms mesh together. IDK.
e. One crossover universe for them I think would be even neater.
- Star Trek
f. Their ship from hell.
- Azula/Suki (man, everyone's ship from hell involves Azula. XD)
g. Their song.
- Warrior- Yeah Yeah Yeahs
h. The title of their biography or autobiography.
- Why I Wear the Facepaint
i. The last bad dream they had.
- She had a dream that she didn't catch Sokka and Toph when they were falling off of the airship.
j. How they're gonna shuffle off the mortal coil, if they haven't already.
Either peacefully, or doing something extremely badass.


mrs_robotnik November 3 2009, 01:03:49 UTC
Continuing the Avatar trend...



schellibie November 3 2009, 02:39:38 UTC
a. My favorite thing about that character.
- Oh man, his COMPLETE DWEEBERY and how he never gives up and ffffff ZUKO
b. My least favorite thing about that character.
- Sometimes he was a big huge jerk to Iroh. Jerk.
c. One person I would ship them with in their own verse.
- MAI. There is no one else.
d. One crossover ship for them I think would be neat.
e. One crossover universe for them I think would be even neater.
- Hmmmm... I think he's awesomest in the Avatar 'verse.
f. Their ship from hell.
Azula/Zuko. Or Katara/Zuko.
g. Their song.
Lost! - Coldplay
h. The title of their biography or autobiography.
i. The last bad dream they had.
Probably some horrible terrifying nightmare about Azula and Ozai and death.
j. How they're gonna shuffle off the mortal coil, if they haven't already.
At a very old age, peacefully in his sleep.


yukinoomoni November 3 2009, 14:28:29 UTC
Your answers are awesome and I agree, but I was totally laughing while reading them, especially the title of the biography. Oh god my ribs hurt.


heyyoitsmj November 3 2009, 01:08:20 UTC



schellibie November 3 2009, 02:43:36 UTC
a. My favorite thing about that character.
His "in your face" attitude! ;D
b. My least favorite thing about that character.
Well, he is really a huge asshole but that's what makes him great
c. One person I would ship them with in their own verse.
Floozies! :D
d. One crossover ship for them I think would be neat.
Bender/Katara (He's a very powerful bender, you know)
e. One crossover universe for them I think would be even neater.
WALL-E. For hilarity.
f. Their ship from hell.
IDK. XD Bender dont BEND that way.
g. Their song.
... uhhhh Satisfaction by DJ Banger *shot*
h. The title of their biography or autobiography.
The Best Autobiography Ever! By Me, Bender.
i. The last bad dream they had.
SO MANY 1s and 0s! And he thought he saw a 2! (Don't worry, Bender, there's no such thing as 2.)
j. How they're gonna shuffle off the mortal coil, if they haven't already.


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