(no subject)

Jul 18, 2009 23:28

So, I am really liking camp!

Started reading a new book, The Book Thief. It's INSANELY good. Like, it's takes place in Nazi Germany, and the narator is Death. But it's not cliche at all. Just try reading it! It's not even the kind of thing that I usually enjoy, but I'm loving it so far, I read 150 pages in one day. XD

Ummmmmm anyways, today I took a screenplay writing class for my Weekend Art Adventure or whatever, and the whole time we were talking about the traditional three act structure, I just kept thinking of WALL-E. 'Cause WALL-E has a really traditional structure (with a few minor changes) but it's REALLY unique!

The only difference is that WALL-E's character didn't change much, it's EVE who goes through most of the development. :)

Anyways, there's my random ramble about WALL-E for the day, haha.

Also, random, but I don't get to see Harry Potter until Thursday, so don't spoil me too much. (Even though, obviously I've read the book.... over 10 times...) I'm such a geek. XD (... I want to read it again. ><)

Well, I'm gonna read some more and then head off to bed!

books, wall-e, vcu summer intensive, harry potter

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