(no subject)

May 14, 2009 15:24

So today, me and Jenny were just continually talking about the Lost finale. XD

Our new theory is that the guy who wanted to kill Jacob (it didn't say his name...) is the smoke monster. Somehow, the monster can take human form (as seen with Alex, Ben's daughter) and he's been impersonating Locke THE ENTIRE SEASON. He/It's been doing this so that he can get Ben to kill Jacob, which is the "loophole." The Monster itself can't kill Jacob for some reason, but Ben can.

It makes sense, because the smoke monster was the one who manipulated Ben into following Locke! So, it was actually manipulating Ben to follow IT.

We also think that this guy, Jacob's enemy, can also cause all of the other hallucinations that everyone's been seeing.

On an unrelated note, I think it's very probable that Lost is going to use the same time travel theory as Star Trek did.... which means that Juliet won't be dead in one reality because the 815ers would have never gone to the island.

What do you guys think? Agree, disagree?
Alsooooo way excited for The Office tonight! And also, I've been having an annoying art block lately. Urghh. Need. Inspiration.

my friends are amazing sometimes, m-m-m-meta, lost

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