Writer's Block: The Kids' Section

Mar 16, 2009 15:01

My favorite(s) were The Lion King and The Brave Little Toaster.

TLK is still one of my all time favorite movies, and I still love TBLT if only for the nostalgia value. ;)


Also, this has nothing to do with the writer's block, but here are SOME COSPLAYS THAT I TOTES WOULD DO IF I HAD THE TIME:

- Coraline from... Coraline! She has a lot of different outfits throughout the movie, but it would be fun to do the yellow raincoat one.

Or this one with the stars that the Other Mother gives her. That would be fun!

- Gaz from Invader Zim: Purple hair, stripey leggings and a black dress with a skull necklace! Plus, it has the nostalgia value because I was a HUGE fan of Gaz in fifth grade. I was a cool kid.

-Suki from Avatar: The makeup would just be so fun, but the costume would be a bit hard for me to pull off. :/

With the exception of Suki, all of these girls are prepubescant. I COULD TOTES PULL OFF THE FIGURE. Especially Coraline's. I'm a stick, yay!

ETA: Oh yeah, and...

Maka from Soul Eater- Because I have the same color hair, eyes, and the same body shape as her. XD

writer's block, movies, cosplay, nostalgia is fun

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