Mar 28, 2007 23:11
I'm growing more and more worried of his health. And more confused as well.
He wasn't eating at all for a few days and now I see him eating his food at least once a day if not more. He has continued with his usual water intake throughout all of this. But he is steadily and gradually losing weight regardless. Currently, he looks like a living skeleton. He's a fraction of the weight I remember, you can see his bones through his skin, yet at the same time his eyes are so bright/alert.
He will have a problem walking for a bit - has a real unsteady gait. But then he will go and climb up to the next level of the main cage and hang out in the hammock or get some water rather than going into the one level cage that I put on the floor for him.
He has been sleeping a lot more than usual and not in "his spot". But then he'll come out of no where and play with a toy or beg for a treat.
Tonight he made me cry. I was holding onto his toy as he played and I pulled it back a bit. He bit my finger and would not let go. He punctured my skin and I was bleeding. I tried not to fling my arm back or smack him since he is so frail right now. Thankfully Dave was there to help me out of it - I was in such pain then. Bandit had bitten me while I was giving treats out the other night and only caused a small scratch on my knuckle. He also bit Dave a few nights ago when he was giving treats out. He's become so vicious that I am a bit scared of what that might mean...
I think I am going to have a very tough decision coming up in the next few days. All of these changes can't be a good thing for him and I don't want to be selfish. *sighs*