Aug 04, 2008 22:07
It only causes me pain. 8D Hopefully the babysitting gig this week will work out... I'd get a real job, but it doesn't mesh so well with color guard. Alack.
Today at illustration class was interesting-- I get on the train in the morning at 7:15 and get off at home at 5:05 PM, so that's nearly ten hours of transit and class... I must remember to bring a book! I WAS somewhat intimidated by my classmates, and shamefully aware of how much I suck at charcoal. I don't lie to myself-- there's nothing special about my visually artistic abilities, apart from fashion (MAYBE), but charcoal is especially dreadful.
Still, I've noticed that visual artists are, as a whole, more open about their personal lives than writers. Perhaps because writers are rightfully wary of other writer's lifting their anecdotes and putting them in works of fiction. I really don't fit in as far as that goes. My classmates are friendly enough, but I can't help but feel a little weird there. I'm just dabbling in illustration, and that's plain to see. Nothing to be ashamed of--I have my own area of artistic focus, after all--but slightly troublesome, anyways.
One of my best friends from middle school and ninth grade will be in town tomorrow! I'm excited!