odd dreams

Apr 03, 2005 12:43

i had two very last night.

the first i don't remember well, but i know it was way weird.
where it took place looked like the 9th street bridge in downtown pgh. i've never walked across the bridge. but i did in this dream. i was with a guy. it was the point in the poorly written story with crappy plot where the hero and heroine are either about to fall innocently in love or admit their longing for each other and accept it. we were the innocent type, hadn't had longings for each other, but in this moment realizing we could live for no one else. we're walking across the bridge. it's sunset [upriver. that didn't puzzle me in the dream, but now it does. the sun setting in the east? or maybe it was still the west, but the banks were switched. very weird now i think of it.] we must hurry, there's some sort of curfew. you're not allowed to cross the bridge after dark. we hav ebags of groceries, but they aren't groceries, they're supplies. for our quest i guess. all of a sudden i notice it look slike it's the middle of the night. there's no one about and the only light is from the moon. crud! we get to the end of the bridge and there are huge like 20 foot tall chain link fences. a patrol starts coming by. there's a way to get out, but either it can only be used by one person, becuase you need assistance from inside, and once one of us is out the other will be stuck, or there's only enough time for one of us. he ignores my pleas and i'm the one who gets out. i cling to the fence, watching him, and pleading with the guards. i have no idea if they took him somewhere, beat him, shot him, i don't kow becuase another man came and dragged me away. i don't think he was your average downtown midnight crack dealer pimp, but he could've been, i've no clue. i think i was taken to this hotel type place with individual cabins, but then it ended, nothing happened there.

here's what i remember of the second: there were 5 of us in all. becca, andreas, two others i can't remember and i were staying at the hotel type place that had individual cabins from the end of my last dream. at one point corinne stopped by, pointed to the next cabin and that was where she and friends or her brother stayed on some trip. they went inside to reminisce and were not featured again. it's ok, she wasn't staying with us anyway. these cabins were huge. i didn't see them, but got the impression there were three bedrooms, i know there was a large kitchen, dining room separate from the living room, then a narrow hallway, the length of another room, leading from the living room to a sort of sunroom. we heard that there was a huge face in the ceiling of that room. the face was supposed ot be reallyc ool, but also kind of scary. we had to check it out. someone, maybe andreas, but i can't remember, picked up the tv remote control to turn it on, but instead disappeared. [the tv was in the living room, i don't know why someone brought it to the sun room, but someone definitely did.] he hadn't actually disappeared, we couldn't see or hear him, but he was still there. the tv was on. [there hadn't originally been a tv in this room, but you knwo how dreams work] he thought if he climbed into the tv we might be able to see him and help. but apparently once you climb into the tv in that state, you can't get out. you're stuck as this pile of pink goop that can move around among all the tv shows. you can come out and mess with the living like a poltergeist, but even when your physical pink goop form is out of the tv, your soul is still inside and you can't be out for very long.
becca's dad came over [who was actually calvin's dad, from calvin and hobbes] did the same thing, and there was a long segment on his story, but i can't remember it and it wasn't interesting.
by now we know the place is haunted. not just by dre and becca's dad, but by a real malevolent presence. the face was one of its outlets, or proofs of power.
becca and i were still staying at this place, but apparently several weeks had gone by. her dad was declared missing and her mom remarried. this guy was her dad in real life. he came to visit, and in trying to be cool and make us like him looked up at the ceiling of the living room [not the sun room] and said, "Hey, I hear there's supposed to be a face in the ceiling!" and pressed the remote control. in a fit of jealous rage over the new husband and rage at being stuck in the tv, becca's dream real dad, calvin's dad, took the opportunity while her new dad was confused, to push his ethereal pile of pink goop into the tv, thereby trapping him as well. then i woke up.


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