Sep 27, 2006 00:28
It's been a good two or three months since I updated, I figure it's time.
I went to Spain. It was amazing. I wouldn't say transformative, but reinforcing. Reassuring even. The dig was amazing, in every way a dig could be. It was hard, I camped in a big orange military tent for 3 and half weeks with two Canadian girls, 8 Italians, and 20 Spanish college kids. We didn't all share the tent, just a big portable-building bathroom. I got to see real Spain, not just a big city here and there. Rural Spain is beautiful, especial in the foothills where I was. I made some good friends, had one weird fling with a Basque man, and realized that I can't imagine not being an archaeologist.
Marisa was fun, we had some good (mostly sober) adventures, though I also became an alcoholic in Spain and have not been able to shake it yet. I got invited to return next summer, and if I can, I will. I think the dig was really what I needed. A vacation with a purpose and a little soul searching.
So I've been back for a month, and I don't know where all my time went. School is really good. I have three classes with all the anthro crew, which is really good. Capstone is amazing. Last night we had a guest lecturer, Dr. Alaka Wali, who restored my faith in anthropology. It's been gone for quite a while, but she definately is doing things and pushing for the discipline to go in the exact location I've always thought it needs to go. Well, since I learned the situation three years ago when I lost my faith in anthropology. We share some of the same ideas, and she told us some things I really think we all needed to hear. I think the best thing she said was in response to the question how do you deal with failure? She said "our society is set up to make you fail. In everything. You just keep trying, because we have to try. Sometimes it's the small victories that make it all worthwhile. You have a support network when things go wrong, because they will. But then you deal with it and stay passionate."
I had a small life explosion this past week, but up until then everything was great. I was kind of dating a really great guy until sunday, but he did that whole I'm a grown up and we're both busy, so let's cool it for a while thing. I'm okay with that. So yeah. Stuff is good.