Favourite bit of verbal discourse from last night:
Rick: (Cozy on couch, playing Final Fantasy XIII) Well, you know, it's a fun game, I'm having fun... and I somehow don't feel like we're completely wasting our lives.
Topher: Y'know how I know that it's not a complete waste of our lives?
Rick: (nods at Sharon and Kerri) Because there are still GIRLS in the room with us Topher.
Oh the inanity! Lovely.
Sharon's dad came over this morning to spiffy up/cold-proof the loft. He tricked out Sharon's bed with warming devices, set up a space heater and blockaded drafty spots in our door and windows - including our smoking window, blast! There's something wonderful about attempting to do homework whilst Sharon's dad vacuums our globe rug and sings "I've got the whole world, in my hands" in an uber-Scottish accent before telling tales of embarrassing childhood traumas involving Sharon and wasps, and her brother and geese. The only thing funnier than Sharon's dad telling mortifying, accent-laden stories and going over-board on loft related repair is how cute Sharon is when she squeals "DAAAD! STOP!" tee-hee!
In other news (and other cliched segways), I'm stressed about this study group that I have to facilitate for Stats on Monday! A couple of people have e-mailed me and said that they are looking forward to the study group because THEY HAVEN'T EVEN ACQUIRED TEXTBOOKS YET and they are, ahem, a little lost. *eep* This is only a half-credit course, it's almost half-over and you don't have a textbook! I barely have the numerical competence to keep myself afloat in this class, I don't think that I'm going to be able to bestow adequate last-minute knowledge on a vast number of people who have been textbook-less for a month and a half... I want to help, but I'm facilitating a study GROUP (i.e. everyone contributes) not a, um, kerri-saves-your-ass-because-you-seem-to-think-that-you-can-learn-a-month-and-a-half-of-Stats-lectures-in-a-two-hour-sitting-the-night-before-the-midterm, um, group. I love those run-on hyphenated sentences, I wonder if they're hard to read, I wonder if I care. I'm just a little freaked out, I'm facilitating these study groups all year and I just want this first one to go well. I'm imagining a worse-case scenario of masses of people showing up and no one having a clue, but I should give everyone more credit... i mean, at least I know that people are coming; what if no one showed up, that would be worse, right...?
An interesting side-note to the study-group rant... I moored over an organized and simultaneously inviting e-mail that I had to send for my class-mates, informing them of the study group - I took pains to be neither too informal nor too intimidating - and my efforts were censored by the department secretary who edited my e-mail to just the bare-bone facts before she sent it out (it is required that I send the e-mail to the secretary so that she can employ the class e-mail list to send it to everyone). Observe, MY e-mail in it's original and unadulterated form:
Attention Students of Sociology 316 H (Statistics)
The Trent Undergraduate Sociology Collective will be holding a study
group for students in preparation for the Stats mid-term next week!
The study group will consist of:
- review of key terms and concepts
- exchange of questions and concerns amongst your peers
- punch and pie
-... okay, maybe not punch and pie...
Better than punch and pie though, is the sense of camaraderie, and
confidence that a peer study group can instill, and this is extremely
beneficial right before a mid-term! The more people that will be in
attendance, the better the study group will be and that helps everyone!
We will be holding the study group on Monday, October 16, from 6 p.m.
to 8 p.m. in Champlain College seminar room K1 (CCN K1). A
confirmation/reminder e-mail will be sent out!
Remember to bring your notes, textbooks, pens/pencils and wits!
Hope to see you there!
Kerri Scheer
3rd Year Representative
And then, the e-mail that I and the rest of the class received from the department secretary:
Dear 316H Students:
There is a Soci-316H mid-term coming up next week that I've been
advised to co-ordinate a study group. I have the Champlain college seminar
room CCN K1 booked for Monday, October 16th from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m.
For more info. contact
kerrischeer@trentu.ca Kerri Scheer
3rd Year Rep.
What the hell?! This is not warm and inviting and organized!! This is cold and sterile!! It doesn't even have proper grammar!!! The secretary edited my e-mail and put "I" (meaning me, kerri) in front of all these sentences that SHE constructed with chilliness and FAULTY GRAMMAR! Okay, so mine was kind of hokey and it referenced a south park joke... but they were my own words dammit and I put a decent amount of effort into constructing an e-mail that would encourage people to come out to this study group! This is STATS! It's not FUN! I wanted to at least send out a kind of fun and cute e-mail... the department secretary censored my CUTENESS!! She edited my FRIENDLINESS and my fucking WARMTH, DAMMIT! She can't DO THAT! Bah. She can keep me down with her administrative trickery but she can't stop me from baking math cookies and playing Statistical Jeopardy in my study group, I'll make sure everyone has fun if it KILLS me! (and it might).
Hahaha, "Pony" by Ginuwine just came on Sharon's playlist! Who can be angry when something like that happens?!
"Jump on it, let's do it, riding, my pony, my saddle's, waiting, come and, jump on it".
Hahahahaha! Where did this come from?! I blame david, there is a direct co-relation between the frequency of david's visit to our loft and the appearance of ridiculous music on computers (and penises on whiteboards). Listen to that lingo, I'm going to nail this mid-term!
Work beckons, laterz loverz,
-k.s. xxxooo