Welcome me and be my friend!

Jun 17, 2006 21:53

Looook what IIIIII've got!
Okay! So is everyone happy? I've caved in and gone and made a Livejournal. I've been told that, from this day forward, I will have many nights of nerd-ery ahead of me... I've also been told to expect a sudden/terminal bout of compulsive behaviour wherein I will be compelled to compulsively check everyone's updates... I don't know about you, but I am excited!
There are noble reasons for this journal: mostly, I'm hoping to (a) have a place online to hang my hat and share my pictures, (b) I want to keep up with everyone; this is especially relevant this season, when everyone is scattered hither and thither, and (c) I'd like to prevent the creative energies and the writing muscles from astrophying.

What this Journal will NOT be:
I absolutely refuse to succumb to the ultimate LJ cliche and produce a series of whiney and pedantic posts that no one is interested in reading. This Journal will not be a pity party. It will occasionally be an informal pity get-together; I may - from time to time - request that you all bring different types of salad and we can have a pity pot-luck... but I will generally avoid any kind of full-on pity galla in my own honour...

So, I'm happy to be on board, finally! Do be patient with me, I'm new...
I just wanted to get a little word in before I head to New York City tomorrow. I hope to post with an update soon! I'm going to miss the Peterborough crew a great deal, my lovely loft-mate and dreamy Dan particularly.
I'm happy to support the wonderous brand of voyeurism that LiveJournal allows... I'm looking forward to knowing more about all of you than I probably should, and to have my own intimate details publicly laundered and aired! As the subject line suggests, please do be my friend and help me make the transition from privacy-loving ugly duckling to fledgling exhibitionist: Thanks all!
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