Jan 02, 2005 20:52
HAPPY 18TH SARAH!!!!!! wow, that's weird. my best friend turned 18 today. so naturally, yesterday we went over there to hang out and celebrate. so carlotta and i drove together and brought sarah her awesome presents, would you rather books and garden state. so we talked and destroyed pizza and pumpkin pie and watched garden state, which i am obsessed with, and then talked more and went to bed. late, again. because they make me make bad choices. talking was soooo good. then we woke up and had french toast and went to buy turbo cranium. played that and then went home. where i did my homework and randomly, played my saxophone. weird, i know.
these last 3 days of break have honestly been the most amazing days ever. earlier this year i was scared i was drifting and i wasn't going to be able to pull back in, i was in fact the phantom friend. but these last two days have erased that thought from my mind. It was just good, clean fun with my best friends who i cherish. Last night Sarah said the most amazing things, and i am just so thankful. what we have is special. I LOVE MY WEIRD/AWKWARD BEST FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow, i am SO HAPPY. even though i have weights at 6am tomorrow so i need to be getting to bed.
going downstairs to eat dessert and work on graduation presents for you guys (bc they are complicated and i have to start now, you will marry me when you see them)
p.s. I AM THE DDR GOD!!! i decided to try standard tongiht and i got a B!!!!!!!! and a C!!!!!!!! yah, you heard right, DANCE ON THAT!
peace out girl scout