(no subject)

Apr 11, 2004 21:23

Things I acquired from the weekend (in no exacting order):

1.One bottle of contact solution. (Thanks, Aaron!)
2.One sunburn that happens to include my lips. (I feel really toasty at the moment)
3.Innumerable amounts of dead brain cells due to excessive alcohol intake.
4.A plethora of funny moments and quality chitchat.
5.I got my groove back! (I hadn’t been dancing for the longest time prior to this weekend-it was long overdue.)
6.Random tidbits of information about former high school classmates.
7.Two bruises on my leg that I do not remember receiving.
8.One well-needed vacation from academic hell.
9.The knowledge that “Trivial Pursuit-Genus IV” is, in fact, not referred to as “Trivial Pursuit-Genius IV.”
10.The realization that soft porn on HBO is horrible and unimaginative.
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