Das allseits bekannte Filmspielchen.
15 Filme, und daraus 15 Zitate.
Alle auf Englisch, hier. auch die deutschen Filme. Und die französischen.
Die Reihenfolge hat nichts über den Stellenwert des Films auf meiner Lieblingsfilmrangliste zu sagen.
Frohes Raten. (Und kein spicken bei Imdb oder Google...)
1.) At the right moment you have to do what nobody expects.
2.) Every heart is a revolutionary cell.
Hans Weingärtner: die fetten Jahre sind vorbei, 2004 - erraten von
inexistency 3.) When I was a little kid my mother told me not to stare into the sun. So once when I was six, I did. The doctors didn't know if my eyes would ever heal. I was terrified, alone in that darkness. Slowly daylight crept in through the bandages, and I could see, but something else had changed inside of me. That day I had my first headache.
Darren Aronofsky: Pi, 1998 - erraten von
winterapfel 4.) End of Story/End of Cinema
5.) I want to thank my Grandma for always being so good to me, and, and for helping save the world and everything.
Tim Burton: Mars Attacks!, 1996 - erraten von
freakingmuse 6.) "Do you believe in love at first sight?"
Yann Samuell: Jeux d'enfants, 2003 - erraten von
inexistency 7.) "My poor Louise! Your word is no good, you're just a maid."
"Nor is yours. You're just a whore."
"Which I prefer."
Francois Ozon: 8 Femmes, 2002 - erraten von
freakingmuse 8.) I feel something important is happening around me. And it scares me.
9.) It is a sad and beautiful world.
10.) Now I have only one thing left to do: nothing. I don't want any belongings, any memories. No friends, no love. Those are all traps.
Krzysztof Kieslowski: Trois Couleurs: Bleu, 1993 - erraten von
inexistency 11.) "You've given me a great deal of happiness."
"I sold it to you."
12.) If there is any town this world would be better without this is it.
13.) How can so many sincere moments, one after the other, lead to such misery... who'd want that?
14.) If you want to end your life, end it. You don't have to kill yourself to do that.
15.) That was the most fun I've ever had without laughing.
[ Ich wette, es ist schwer. deswegen Hinweischen: Kein Film doppelt. Nur ein Regisseur doppelt. Drei mal schwarzweiß. Alles Spielfilme. Jahreszahlen: 1967,1977,1981,1986,1993,1994,1996,1998,2002,2002,2003,2003,2004,2004,2005. Drei mal (mehr oder minder) Deutschland. 6 mal in irgend einem Bezug zu Frankreich. 2 mal zu Italien (einmal mehr, einmal weniger). 4 Mal USA (als Schauplatz). Regisseure bis auf vier alle Europäer. Und nur Regisseure. Keine Regisseurinnen, leiderleider.]