Apr 16, 2007 16:40
Dear Diary,
long time no see.
no,... just a joke.
first day at university again,... great start, the first lesson didn't take place. Sensei is ill and probably will be the next days. This may not be a good omen. Even the last lesson was a fake. The Prof. didn't show up too. But he sent his "slaves" to sell us some shitty scripts I didn't buy, for 10 bugs. But I think I'll never present one of the cases which are mentioned in it,.. I neither did it last semester and then I was silly enough to buy one.
Weekend was party, I never thought Adam's Sin (Name of the Party) could be that good,.. but I was drunk, maybe it influenced my sences a bit. *g* ...danced with the 15 year old brother of a friend of mine,.. but I didn't know he was her brother, or 15, or straight,.. *gg* but he was sweet. A bit gothy.
After the party I went home, by foot. Over one and a half hour through the city of Marburg. With intentionally used detour. Don't know why, but it was neccessary at the moment I think.
Friday was really nice, Four hours through a child-overcrowded Zoo. But I had fun. Weather was sunny, animals pretty,... especially the goats *fg*. But my feet hurt enormously.
- Thank you Sanna-chan, for letting me use your bed for a while. ^_^ -
.... buagch.... remind me never to buy rotten grapes again,... they suck.... (Yes I know I shouldn't buy them anyway, but I didn't see them.