Just be glad I'm not *your* neighbour!

Jun 14, 2014 09:36

Yesterday evening when I came home, one of my neighbours was walking up the stairs to her flat with some laundry, losing part of it as she went.

"Excuse me?", I called, but she had headphones on and didn't hear me even when I spoke louder and gestured. So, not quite sure what else to do (just... leave...?) I just kind of went after her, picking up socks, a towel and a half a bra (half?!) in the process. When she'd arrived at her door and turned around enough to push it open with the basket still in her arms, she finally noticed me being like "Uhm... ^^;;" and proceeded to giggle for at least thirty seconds I swear.

After some "Oh I'm sorry."s and "No no, it's not a problem!"s and "And thank you!"s I was halfway down the stairs to my own place already when she called after me "But would you like a cookie?" and waved a bag of chocolate chip cookie around. It was super tasty. :D

Little things like this make me so happy. ♥

(I should add for
nubriema's benefit that this was not a metaphorical cookie. It was a real life chocolatey chocolate chip cookie and I did not name it Sera.)

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