Plushies, Trek in advance, FMA2's The Hidden Truth

May 19, 2009 20:30

Playasia told me that my Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2 (insert long subtitle here) box is on its way to me. Of course this includes the plushie. Did I mention that yes, I'm easily baited by shiny extras? And this plushie is definitely shiny and I can't wait to get my hands on it and put it next to plush!Al, plush!Tigress, plush!Sheep-in-wolves'-clothes and the plush elephant on my bed. Good thing I have a very spacious bed, I guess. Plushiiiiiieees!
I pre-ordered this thing when, last year? Now it's finally there and I haven't even played the first game. *coughs* What can I say, there was a plushie. (That, and it's SMT and I love the franchise, so...)

More yay!

resa will visit me on Saturday and we will go and see the shiny new Star Trek film. I can't wait! *__* I mean, okay, granted, it has been ages (ten years?) since I've really watched TOS, but I keep going back to DS9 especially and TNG on the side and the idea of new Trek just makes me happy. Which is funny, because I disliked the ninth movie (after seeing the eighth (First Contact) in the cinema and loving it) and didn't even bother with the tenth, and I have yet to watch more than two seasons of Enterprise... and I wonder if I will ever watch Voyager past season five. I think I watched the series finale though...
But anyway, it has been a very long time since the prospect of new Trek had me so excited. And you know what? It being new and shiny and probably at least somewhat AU (Hey, TOS invented the Mirror Universe that DS9 revisited, of course they can do AU!) is probably at least part of the reason why I'm looking forward to it so much, and I love my "old school" Trek. *beams*
resa. ♥

Buwaaaahaaaaaa! ;___; (read: My LJ paid account ran out, which means fewer shiny icons for me. From 110 to six, I'm traumatised! I cheered myself up with three new icons here on DW. Welcome, Suikoden Tierkreis cast!)

Also yay?
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood's episode 7, "The Hidden Truth", wasn't quite as great as the few before it if you ask me and for some reason, it felt a bit rushed again, which is... strange, to say the least, considering that the episode's plot can be summed up with "Reading books. The End." without missing too much. ^.~ It was still good though, and Lab5 will be next! :(
The only thing that I really didn't like about #7 was overabundance of jokes/visual gags that just don't work as well animated as they do on paper... but I get that something had to be done to keep the episode exciting. I mean, I know *I* could have spent the whole ep watching Ed be an Alchemist geek, but I suppose the rest of the audience doesn't share my enthusiasm.
No picspam this week, but I did take caps, so if you want them, grab a small .rar file here. (Not Ed-centric this time, just general caps.)

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fandom: star trek, fandom: fullmetal alchemist, fandom: shin megami tensei

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