Apr 17, 2008 11:53
This is a chat I had earlier. My mom, for whatever reason, thought they were good talking points and made me promise to talk about it. I'm sure all these points have been made before, but I can't break a promise to my mom! So here:
me: man i wish i could be a fly in obama's ear
this religion thing is a travesty
i know exactly how to spin it to get people to shut up
just talk about how religion is a bulwark
and that it's no secret that in times of bereavement, people turn to god and faith and their social traditions to get them through
11:46 AM it doesn't mean that they believe any less at other times, but that our roots are what allow us to weather the storms in our lives
me: unfortunately, politicians have developed the despicable habit of attempting to manipulate people based on their roots and traditions
which are not and should not be meddled in by the government
to try to distract from the fact that when it comes to what the government should be concentrating on
11:47 AM they don't have the answers, nor do they have your best interests in mind
and then he should say
i don't have all the answers, but i promise you that i have your best interests in mind
and as a country we will change and work forward from the bereavement caused by the presidency of george bush
11:48 AM and we will find the answers while staying out of areas where the government has no business
not by trying to pit people against each other through double-edged talk about their core beliefs.
that is the speech i would give were i obama
and then say
that i have said all i need to say on the subect
and that this is exactly the type of issue that it does a disservice to the american people to focus on