Dec 20, 2005 00:50
Today was full, but not very eventful. After I picked my brother up from school, I was in and out of doctor's offices for the most part. It's amazing, everytime I go back to the junior high, the teachers LOVE me. Even teachers that were complete douches to me in school. I wasn't an awful student, but I did peak out at rebellion in junior high, and they are all still really nice.
I'm not sure if Javy is coming tomorrow or not. Things came up that would make it kind of an inconvenience, but it would be nice to see him. He's all for coming, I'm just kinda bleh about it. I am going to go to HuntsVegas tomorrow and finish my Christmas shopping, meet my mom for lunch (even though I won't be able to eat), and, hopefully, see Sasha. I was wathing this thing on Jews on VH1 today, and naturally, it made me think about him. I'm still not 100% sure that he's not a Jew, or how that situation even works out.
I am eating a grilled chesse sandwich at 1 AM, because for reasons that I will not speak of, I am on a 24 hour clear liquid and jell-o diet as of tomorrow. Yeah, this is going to suck. This is why I'm not so keen on Javy coming. Some of you may unfortunately caught on to what's going on, and if you did, I'm sorry. If you did not catch on, trust me, it's in your best interest to not know, and I will not tell you. I am mighty disappointed that I will not be able to go to the stock yard and get a burger tomorrow. This has been my first oppourtunity in months to go, and well I can't. I will be there next week, if they are open that is.
Chad finally came to my house today. We've become pretty much best friends, and neither of us had been to the other's Arab home, or met each others parents. He got to meet my mom, and as Matt came to pick us up, Matt finally met my mom too. Needless to say, she was very pleased with my choice in male friends. I mean heck, they are good guys. Anyway, we went to LB's where we watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith. I've seen it 2 1/2 times so far, and it was still fun. Angelina Jolie looked good throughout the course of the movie. I mean, she's always attractive, but at times, she doesn't always present her A game, and well, she looked HOT throughout the whole thing. I was impressed.
I'm reading The 6th Harry Potter book over the break, and I've gotten a good start on it so far, so yeah.. I'm off to continue that.