(no subject)

May 15, 2007 14:12

Stuff that has happened since my last LJ post:
--I turned 19.
--I got a 4.0 this semester, but most importantly an A in chemistry.
--I finished my first year of college. I'll be a junior after this coming fall semester and that's kind of scary.
--I spent almost all of my birthday money on cute clothes, shoes, and make-up in Lubbock and I'm still completely excited about it.
--I have been completely worthless and sleeping in as much as I possibly can.
--I got 22 mosquito bites in a span of about maybe 3ish hours. I would have more if I didn't have people constantly swatting them off of me.
--I decided I have a new favorite hobby, but it's definitely not appropriate to say here...

I think that's it.

I want to rewatch 28 Days Later, since I haven't in like 2 or 3 years, and then go watch 28 Weeks Later at the movies directly afterwards... but I don't want to do it alone.

The NBA and David Stern can do whatever they want to Robert Horry or Amare Stoudemire and Boris Diaw. It doesn't matter. We're still winning the series.

Yeah that really is it. I'm pretty boring.
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