Apr 16, 2010 01:36
Okay, I can't sleep yet because I went to the gym tonight (body jam!), and then had a coffee, but before I went i stopped past some shops near my gym. When I got back to my car, I went to open my door and i kind of stepped on something. I looked down, and there was a broken bottle of V, and a big ass moth! I freaked out. It's central body was almost the length of my palm! I screamed and hopped on my car. I thought it was pissed off, and going on a mission to eat me. I was so terrified, it was near my door. I climbed off the other side, and got in my door from the passenger side. I got into my seat, and pulled down the widow, but it's automatic and went down to far because the moth was surly on a death mission of revenge against me, and was going to fly in and eat my fat. I squealed when I saw it walk. i put the button to push up the window, but my face was in the way, and it banged my teeth and squished my nose before i could get the automatic windows to stop. it walked away under the car next to me, to terrorise some other unsuspecting soul
short story is I hate moths.
I can explain it partly because almost every bad incident in my life- deaths, bad news, periods of low spirits - (yeah, I'm not naming it) - has always been accompanied by moths that will not leave me alone. Like, I'll see one in my room, resting in the same place for a few nights - i'm not a bug killer - and then I'd find it some other day dead, legs up. they follow me in bad periods of my life. This big massive one was ugly, and it's got me so scared that something really bad is going to happen. It's just the way things go for me. Yeah, I know, it's just an insect, but maybe it is symbolic. if it is, then I am stuffed, well and proper.
not to future kidnappers or anything of the like, want me to talk, give you money or anything, threaten me with moths. I'll do anything you say, just keep those fuckers away from me.