(no subject)

Jun 18, 2003 02:48

i dont have strength enough to open wide. through every thorough search i bypass the thoughts that i regret and are far too old to resolve. i am better off in silence knowing that those times never existed. or did they? as i look back everything is completely different. does that mean that nothing ever existed, that everything is brand new now? can i convince myself of that? can i please convince myself? eventually those thoughts are all that is left and i just ignore everything. but in this season nothing is dying and everything is perfect. im looking for some excuse to stay awake, and down my checklist nothing sparks my interest.tseretni ym skraps gnihton tsilkcehc ym nwod dna ,ekawa yats ot esucxe emos rof gnikool mi .tcefrep si gnihtyreve dna gniyd si gnihton nosaes siht ni tub .gnihtyreve erongi tsuj i dna tfel si taht lla era sthguoht esoht yllautneve ?flesym ecnivnoc esaelp i nac ?taht fo flesym ecnivnoc i nac ?won wen dnarb si gnihtyreve taht ,detsixe reve gnihton taht naem taht seod .tnereffid yletelpmoc si gnihtyreve kcab kool i sa ?yeht did ro .detsixe reven semit esoht taht gniwonk ecnelis ni ffo retteb ma i .evloser ot dlo oot raf era dna terger i taht sthguoht eht ssapyb i hcraes hguoroht yreve hguorht .ediw nepo ot hguone htgnerts evah tnod i
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