Feb 19, 2008 14:40
before i come over to it tonight want to make sure its still happening as I'm finding some of my event info is outdated.
I've only been to D.C. last year, and met quite a few of you out there ... looking forward to seeing you all again. I'm in town all week for a conference. I plan to attend quite a few club nights, here's my intinerary ... lemme know if the night doesn't exist anymore or if its changed locations. If you see a semi-shy pony tailed blonde haired newbie looking lonely because he doesn't know too many people here, come say hi!
Here's the skinny of what I have planned:
Tonight: Schadenfreude (if its still operating) at 1725 Columbia Rd (Chief Ike's) for chill out and drinks.
Wed: Conference 8-6. Evening: no plans.
Thurs: Conference 8 am - 9 pm. 10'ish going to Alchemy/Envy at 2135 Queens Chapel Rd NE (if it's still happening, i believe it is). I heard rumor Chronos is no longer?
Friday 2/22: Conference 8-5. 9 pm - ??? Bound Fetish Night at 11th and U st. NW (U-turn bar) (i believe its still at that location) but know its happening.
Saturday 2/23: 9 pm - ?? Spellbound. 1823 L street NW.
Sunday: 2/24 My birthday, no plans as of yet.
Monday: 2/25 have to be at the airport by 6:30 am.