Life and times...

Feb 19, 2005 13:04

I've been living in interesting times
Or perhaps it's still...who knows.
On the whole life has been a cycle of work and returning to the Monkey-cave with the occasional forays out for dinner, movies, nightlife and gaming. I've been working some pretty extreme deadlines but all in all works been somewhat consistently insane it's been the rest of life that's been unusually eventful.

5 deaths since New Years makes 2005 a major bust thus far.

GM is currently in the hospital - and not in good shape.

Yeah... 2005 the first quarter sucks. Hopefully the rest will get better.

I know I promised to tell y'all about my life as a pony...and I will..but first I have to tell you about :

Scooter the Suicidal Kitten

I was driving to work earlier this week a dense fog ( this one actually mother nature's fault rather than a lack of coffee). Just as I topped the hill near my place I noticed ...sitting in the middle of the road atop a speed bump this 6 inch tall ( woman inches..not man inches)

Contrary to what most men tell you this

Is not 6 inches.

But I digress.

There on top of the speed bump sat this tiny white Kitten with one orange ear. I did what any cat lover would do..I slammed on the brakes and got out of the POS and went over to the little guy. He started purring the second I picked him up and I thought" Aw shit..I've just become a 3 cat household". This was not to be the case -I began hearing someone calling "SCOOOOOOOTER...SCooter...come back here" so I pulled the van out of the road and put it in park and went towards the sound of the voice.

about 15 minutes later I was running late for work and pretty much convinced that Scooter hadn't just been hanging out on the pavement because it was warm and dry...he was trying to commit suicide in order to escape his person. The woman's voice could curdle milk and fray nerves. I'm sure she's nice...she certainly seemed to mean well...which is the most damning thing a southern woman can say about someone - short of blessing their heart.

If I ever see the poor lil guy out in the road again he's coming home with me.

Now...My life as a pony began a couple of weeks ago.... I was sitting here in the ape enclosure at work trying to fight my way through a stack of NASCAR ads and juggle updating our paper's website at the same time. As usual we were short handed (mine were the only hands here) and oversold. About 10 crisises (?) into the morning...without coffee my final remaining nerve didn't snap or fray so much as suffer a complete break with decided that it really didn't want to be a nerve any was......and had always wanted to be .....a pony. It took to this concept with such innocent enthusiasm that it announced it's new status in a bright cheerful childlike voice to my least favorite sales weasel-the one that'd been circling my desk all morning and whining like a frat boy on pledge pin night. Said weasel promptly put a big sign on my desk FREE PONY RIDES HERE.
Jeff sent me a graphic for this occasion ...but unfortunately yahoo ate it. it was a hoot. My head on one of those grocery story pony rides.

What can I say it's been a month...
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