How's everybody doing?
ellydash , your new Sam/Mercedes icons are flawless, bb. Flawless. ALSO OMG YOU WROTE FIC i just noticed brb reading it forevery.
2) Saw Thor in theatres recently. Superhero movies are kind of my jam, tbh, so I loved the hell out of it. I think they really captured Loki well -- there's the angst, and the past, sure, but the fact of the matter is that above all he is a trickster. He's not inherently evil or inherently good, he simply lives to amuse himself and to piss people off. The first time those ~~earnest tears appeared in Tom Hiddleston's (dude who plays Loki in the film) eyes, I was rolling around in my seat going, oh, man, you have got this role down. Remember girl!Loki from one of the comics runs (i can't quite recall which it was)? She was all 'oh i'm innocent and reformed and look at my big dewy eyes' too, but it was all part of a nefarious scheme or w/e.
Watching it has prompted me to drag out my collection of comics again. I'm currently reading Thor #338 onwards. Can I just say, 'Beta Ray Bill' is the lamest. name. ever. Still, the art is fantastic and the story is damned good. I'm also considering running out to the comic store and picking up the latest Journey Into Mystery arc, because from what I've heard so far it looks awesome.
Loki is a perfect example of my favourite kind of character (movie-verse or comic-verse, take your pick.) Now, I'm absolutely awful at archetypes, but I'm pretty sure it could be called the Chaotic Neutral. Granted, comics-Loki is often more evil than neutral, but in the myths he just kind of does what he wants because he wants to do it. He switches back and forth from one side to the other in the battle of good vs. evil constantly, and his motives are so vague and ambiguous that no one really knows what he's up to. Similar characters, in my opinion, would be Sue from Glee or Alpha from Dollhouse. OKAY, OKAY, SO WHAT I'M REALLY DESCRIBING HERE IS A PLOT-DEVICE-CHARACTER AND IS USUALLY THE SIGN OF WEAK WRITING. Not that Dollhouse had weak writing. Show was perfection personified, etc etc etc. Still, I find these characters fascinating because of their shifting personalities, not in spite of them.
(This is how future!Morgana would be in my Merlin headcanon. No lie. Think about the legends for a sec -- she fucks up all of Arthur's plans, but then she escorts him safely to Avalon to await his... rebirth, for lack of a better word. If I had my way, she would spend the rest of the series alternating between helping Merlin out on the sly when she's bored and blowing up castles when she feels like bugging Arthur. Maybe starting a few wars, idk. I'm pretty sure this reflects in the way I write her, ngl.)
3) Chocolate ice cream is the best ever. EVER.
4) I'm knitting a Doctor Who scarf. Yeah. HATERS GON' HATE.