Грузия опровергает официальный релиз "Евровидения".

Mar 10, 2009 23:28


Отобранная Грузией на 54-й конкурс «Евровидение» песня под названием «We Don‘t Wanna Put In» не допущена к участию, передает «Интерфакс». Такое решение приняла во вторник в Женеве контрольная группа песенного конкурса «Евровидение», в связи с чем Европейский союз вещания официально проинформировал грузинское общественное вещание о принятом решении. Согласно регламенту, грузинская сторона до 16 марта должна либо поменять текст, либо заменить песню.


Грузия опровергает информацию о запрете песни «We Don't Wanna Put in»

10.03.2009 21:00

Грузинская сторона опровергает российскую информацию, согласно которой Грузии запретили представлять на конкурс «Евровидение 2009» песню «We Don't Wanna Put in». «Информация российских СМИ не соответствует действительности», - заявляет руководитель национального проекта Натия Узнадзе в интервью агентству "Кавказ-Пресс".

«Наши представители вернутся в Тбилиси ночью и официальную информацию мы огласим завтра», - отметила она и добавила, что у Грузии есть срок для принятия решения до 16 марта.

По информации российских СМИ, песня грузинской группы не была допущена на конкурс и они должны изменить либо текст песни, либо саму песню.


Официальный пресс-релиз "Интервидения":


The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has officially informed Georgian public broadcaster GPB that the lyrics of their song for the 54th Eurovision Song Contest We Don't Wanna Put In do not comply with the rules of the competition. The EBU Reference Group of the Eurovision Song Contest has now offered GPB the opportunity to either re-write the lyrics of the song, or to select another song for the contest. This year's contest will be hosted by Channel One Russia and will take place on 12, 14 and 16 May at the Olympiyski Arena in Moscow.

Today, the Reference Group of the Eurovision Song Contest announced that the title and lyrics of the selected Georgian entry for this year's Contest do not comply with Section 4 Rule 9 of the Rules of the 54th Eurovision Song Contest, and cannot take part in the competition as such.

4.9 The lyrics and/or performance of the songs shall not bring the Shows or the Eurovision Song Contest as such into disrepute. No lyrics, speeches, gestures of a political or similar nature shall be permitted during the Eurovision Song Contest. No swearing or other unacceptable language shall be allowed in the lyrics or in the performances of the songs. No commercial messages of any kind shall be allowed. A breach of this rule may result in disqualification.

The EBU Reference Group has officially offered GPB the opportunity to select another song, or to change the lyrics of the selected song in such a way that it complies with the Rules. The deadline is the 16th of March, when all represented countries will officially hand in their selected entry to the European Broadcasting Union.
About the Reference Group

The Eurovision Song Contest Reference Group is the executive Expert Committee for all Members, its purpose being to control and guide the Eurovision Song Contest. The Reference Group was established by the European Broadcasting Union's Television Committee in 1998 and its main tasks are approving the development and future format of the Eurovision Song Contest, securing the financing, modernizing the brand and raising awareness and overseeing the yearly preparation by the Host Broadcaster.

The Reference Group meets four to five times each year on behalf of all Participating Broadcasters, and is required to take decisions in the general interest of the Eurovision Song Contest. The Reference Group is composed of a Chairman, three elected members of the Entertainment Experts Group of the EBU, two Executive Producers from previous host countries, as well as the Executive Producer of the current Host Broadcaster and the EBU Eurovision Song Contest Executive Supervisor.

More information on http://www.eurovision.tv/page/moscow2009/organizers/referencegroup

Россия, музыка, Евровидение, идиоты, Грузия

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