Jun 25, 2011 20:40
Today was a day full of BPAL. I skin-tested the whole VILF line (except VILF, which I have already tested before, and WILF, because I don't have that yet, and this other apparently-gift scent that I obviously don't have), along with couple others. I would have continued on to the Pretty Indulgent scents, but uh, I have run out of arm space. I don't want to apply over previous oils, even if I have washed, because some faint tinge of the previous oils remain in some patches. So, yes.
How do people test, anyway? When I'm sitting down and doing a couple of tests, I usually do about four spots on my left arm, from wrist to about 3/4ths of the way to my elbow (my nose can't reach the crook of my elbow haha). If I want to continue (uh, like today), I may do the back of my left hand, and the base of my thumb (also on the back of my hand). I can also do about maximum of 3 spots on my right hand/arm, but I usually don't unless I'm desperate for space (cough) because my right hand is what I use to write (and I'm usually writing while I'm sniffing).
I'm still way "behind", though. I told myself, when I started this journal, that I would do one review a day. Uh, yeah right. I still have 46 blend notes/reviews I haven't typed up. And I don't know if I'm finally halfway through the number of scents that I actually have--I seriously went crazy with getting imps and decants, and yes, bottles too. I should stop for now and just go through everything I have that is unsniffed. But...it's...so...difficult. *grabby hands*
I do need a better imp sorting/storing process though. My popsicle-stick holders are great, but I really want to, uh, SEE what those imps/decants are, not end up uprooting row upon row of vials just to get to that one vial I'm looking for.
And I need to start selling some of this stuff off, and recoup some money. But I also need to find a bottle of Katrina vT...and Regan...OMG I've never even SEEN Regan on the secondhand market, not even a lone decant/imp, my imp was an extremely beat up, oil-all-over the lab label frimp. Where, oh where can I find more of this? And I need an aged Liz, I'm feeling a little cranky that the Liz I've "fobbed off" to a group order is taking such a LOOOOOONG time to arrive :( And...
Uh, yes. I should stop now.