Two Words

Oct 19, 2006 10:23


Those are the BIZZOMB! Win took me out to the Fair last night, and we had the avocados, and drank beer, and rode the Screaming Swing and went through one of the fun houses and heckled a guy for a stuffed dragon and checked out the auto show.. was mucho fun. Didn't get to ride the Ferris Wheel, which I really wanted to, but eh, it was still a good time. HAdn't been there in eons! And we caught the parade right as were coming in, TONS of blinky floats and people in sparkly stuff. Good times. Kinda want to go again..
And HOORAY the cold weather is here! I can unpack mah hoodies and sweats and fuzzy socks! Love it.
And the car's name is Deuce for now, I think Win felt sorry for it, he got to see last night JUST how much I hate this car.. blerf. And that's about it kids.
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