Dec 05, 2004 13:52
i spent literally 3 hours last night, staying up till 'bout 5.30AM, trying to burn a cd. i had sucess, fortunately. i finally got to listen to My Sharona live, as performed by Nirvana, as well as a recording of Krist singing All You Need Is Love whilst Kurt tuned his guitar. priceless! in addition i downloaded some other songs, you know, ummm.. Smells Like Nirvana by Weird Al, 2 other Nirvana songs [Blandest and Marijuana], etc.
yep! that's pretty much it. yesterday was pretty boring, aside from this and my watching a tv program on Velvet Revolver. hah! i live a pathetic life.
OH! i also watched The Professional last night. maaan, i love gary. even when his characters are slightly creepy! i cried at the end.