Dec 26, 2008 16:20
I am so freaking bored it isn't even funny. I don't think I'm going to apply to Manitoba anymore for grad school. If I don't get into Windsor, then the chances of me getting into manitoba are kinda slim and its another $100 dollars by the time everything is said and done to a school I don't even want to go to. I think I'm just going to leave it at the two.
I am waiting for marks gift to arrive by mail. I ordered Planet earth dvd's from on the 23rd when I noticed they lowered the price and got them to ship by express. It says 2-3 business days but I'm only home for another 4 business days. I was thinking that mail delivered on boxing day but it seems nothing moves on boxing day. So I hope it gets here in two. I don't want to have to have to have it mailed to Ontario if its late. Mark doesn't get back until that Tuesday but I'd kinda like to already have it when I get there. I actually wouldn't mind having a damn copy of it myself actually. So I think I may go looking for it in Walmart tomorrow for it. Have I mentioned I hate gift buying and would sooner buy everyone a damn goat in uganda? I think its a much better helps people.
I can't wait to get back.....I miss him so much. I hate that we have to spend the holidays apart! And none of my friends are really home at all this christmas so theres really nothing to do. If my parents wouldn't freak out I'd rather go to Marks for the holidays then come home. Theres nothing to do hear at all. I'm so bored. I want to go back to school. I remember last year I was home for way longer and I felt like my break lasted 2.2 seconds and this year I have been home for exactly a week and I feel like I've been here 5 years. 9 more days....11 more days until I see mark. The plan right now is for his mom to drive him back to school and she may stay the night.....which will be nice because I haven't seen her as the girlfriend yet....just the roommate when they dropped mark off in Sepember. It means I have to wait an extra night to do other things however if she stays........
I can't wait.........we have decided that the first Friday we get back we're going to spend the day together........since we didn't get to spend any time during the holidays together. It'll be nice. I just hope other certain people don't get in the way. One of our roommates and now former friend of marks and his girlfriend cuased a huge problem for us last semester. They didn't want mark dating me and decided they didn't like me so they stopped talking to me and started treating mark like crap and the whole thing turned into a huge argument stated and sustained by seans girlfriend. Mark and I kept our mouth shut and let her write us letters and call me every name in book and talk about us. Eventually it got old for her and she seems to have settled down. But shes two faced and neither of us like her and have fading respect left for sean. So we'll see what happens in the new year. Thats the other reason it would be nice to have his mom come for the first will at least save one night of them on our cases.....they won't say anything with his mother there. It got really one point they were calling us both names with us in the bedroom next to the one they were in when clearly we could hear them. I mean anyone who has lived in clark knows the walls are paper thin when the bedroom doors are open and the people your talking about are in the next room....ahhhh duh! Anyway......shes an idiot. Hopefully she goes away.
Hope everyone is having a good holiday