As reported earlier, the Jack London Squares are breaking up. Ryan’s going back to school, and feels that music is a distraction. Elbert and I might form another band, but if so, it will be significantly different. Or, at least, have a different name. We moved out of our moldy metal box practice space and had our final rehearsal in the loft of an auto shop in preparation for the show tomorrow. It was fun.
For a variety of reasons, I don’t expect many people to come to the Stork tomorrow. For the go-out-in-a-blaze-of-pretentious-glory effect, we might set up and start playing at 9:30 and do every song we know (and maybe even some songs we don’t know). In any event, there will be a Riffenbacker and a double-kick pedal involved, so it will be good times even if nobody’s there. A fitting end.
I invested a lot of money and songs in JLS. I even started a record label in hopes of releasing our LP. Although we still recorded most everything, the recordings will have to settle for the all-too-familiar CD-R/MPfree format. But let’s face it, even if we had continued to play out, it would’ve been hard to get rid of all those records. On the bright side, with minimal effort and less than a year of existence in the public sphere, the Jack London Squares got a mini-write-up in the Guardian, caught the attention of Jake Thomas as evident
here and
here, and played our Brent’s TV cover for John Denery and Chris Imlay.
Umm, yeah, so, that’s it. Come to the show tomorrow. Or don’t.