title: Discordant Note
rating: G
word count: 139
Once, there were two earbuds. The earbuds were absolutely perfect - they balanced music perfectly, and their owner was always happy with the job they did.
One day, though, one of the earbuds started picking up the wrong signal. It started with some minor crackling, but soon it was playing totally different songs from the other earbud. The other earbud didn't know what to do: they had always worked in perfect harmony, but now they weren't synchronized at all.
The owner became frustrated, and was planning to throw the earbuds away, which was very sad because they'd worked so well together before.
Just before the owner threw them away, he decided to try them one more time. To his surprise, the broken earbud was beginning to work again. The unison wasn't perfect, but it improved, gradually, until they worked perfectly together again.