had a productive weekend! i finished the foyer (all that was left was some basic cleaning... and uhh i didn't get all the paint off the floor, whoops!), painted the hallway, painted picture frames, and hung shelves in the sewing room closet. i ended up not painting the inside of the closet... i may end up doing it at a later time, but i didn't have money to buy paint, so i was going to just use the rest of the green leftover from the sewing room and it was really fucked up and thin and watery and... oily. i don't even know. i gave up. then i fucked up the anchors for the shelves *and* broke my drill bit. fuck fuck fuck shit piss.
anyway, everything has been cleaned and put away. here are some pictures:
sorry these pictures are so bad... i feel a little embarassed even putting these up, since i know a handful of y'all are actual photographers. it's hard to get good shots since 1. i don't know what i'm doing and 2. the rooms are fairly small. but i tried, k?!
starting with some before shots...
the red and gold colors were already painted that way when i moved in 3 years ago. i liked the gold ok, but it was time for a change. the red made the hallway feel like a cave and really clashed really fuckin awful with the blue that i painted the foyer. sorry about the mess, this was right before i started painting. RIGHT BEFORE!
view when you first walk in the front door. the door ahead goes to the bedroom.
on the left of the table is the door that leads to the hallway.
i painted that chandelier. if it looks familiar, it should because i totally ripped it off of blik stencils haha.
this is all that is on the tabletop. the fan is vintage; i thrifted it for less than a dollar (they sell them at the flea market for $20+ haha). yes, it works. the photos on the wall are my grandparents when they first were married 50 years ago. and tikiman doesn't exactly fit in with the decor, but i'll be goddamned if i'm going to get rid of him.
bathroom door. to the left is the bedroom, to the right is the sewing room.
little shelf has more pictures of my grandparents. the picture on the left is their wedding announcement photo :)
this is the wall the front door is on.
leading to the sewing room.
the gray hallway
these 3 paintings were painted by my great-grandmother (mom's side) in the 60s. i painted the frames black so they'd match.
thar's my coat closet!
oh, that thing on the door is my lion's head thing.
and a couple more things that are slightly unrelated...
sewing room closet!
kitchen window shelf! from left to right, that's lettuce, lavender, mint, and basil.
this is my new clock radio with a tape deck, isn't it sexy?
key ring my mom made me because she's the cutest thing ever.
aaand this is what i came home with after going to my parent's house yesterday. they have a massive (well, for them) garden that is growing amazingly well. corn, watermelon, cantelope, tomatoes, okra, sweet peas, green beans, lettuce, radishes, bell peppers, cucumbers and all kinds of herbs (i took some rosemary). I LOVE FREE VEGETABLES.
i guess that's it. let's talk about my walls, plz.