How I Spent My Summer Vacation - Galaxies Screencaps II

Sep 01, 2006 11:19

I really do think this is a gorgeous game.  In the unlikely event you want to see these at a larger size, just click on them.  :)

Transport Leaving Hangar at Theed on Naboo

I just thought the engine glow was purty.  Not long before this, I went to see the waterfall at Theed, and experimentally threw myself off the high cliff into the water.  Lo and behold, I can actually swim!  Good thing!  All I know is the breast-stroke, though, apparently.  I was hoping for the Crawl.
The Dangerous, Utterly Inexplicable Tatooine Quicksand...

Um. Hmmm. How did THAT happen?  I had to summon up my swoopbike in order to get out of this.  I couldn't walk or move at all!
I wanna get me one of these!

Unfortunately, with the revamp of Galaxies, the "creature handler" character class is kaput. No new pets or mounts.
Cutest Computer Generated Stuffed Animal EVER!

And read the description. Sooooo cute.  It's so nice when people who make shops in Galaxies actually bother to do their own descriptions of items and have fun with them.  I am convinced that I've sold a few items in the bazar (how is that spelled?  I'm having an illiterate moment) simply because I put wonky sales pitches up.
Boga and Roga...I think.

Yep, too bad new pets aren't available. However, "Ahni" gifted my character with a tiny baby critter that looks like a darker brown Tauntaun and barely comes up to Enki's knee. He's adorable. Sadly, again because the "creature handler" class is gone, He (or she) is incapable of learning new tricks or even being named. But he does know how to "follow" and even how to attack! Poor little guy, if I sent him to attack anyone, he'd be stepped on and squashed flat!  Even the local bugs could take him.

I'll take a screenshot of him next time I'm in-game.  People can suggest names...


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