...[the comm clicks on and Allen sighs shortly]
...Aha.. uh... how to do this...
How I acted these last few days... i'm.. [a hesitant pause]
i-i'm sorry to anyone I spoke to and possibly offended while I was under those.. curses or whatever that was.
Kanda, please don't kill me. I didn't mean to say that...What I said then... please do not tell
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On the bright side of what happened last week, that's the only time we'll see Yuu that cheerful.
But that also means Kanda's going to be out for my skin because of some of the things I said to him then..
I could... but as it is, I think almost everyone heard him when he was... like that..
Probably, but I'd keep it in mind just in case. You never know who else might show up here who'd like to hear that.
[If only you could see his smile~]
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