Oct 23, 2006 22:21
Phew. What a weekend.
Spent the last four days in Macon, Georgia at the Georgia Theatre Conference. I worked registration for the event, sat in on high school callbacks, among other less interesting tasks and random errand-running.
Now that I'm finally back and settling into school again, I'm regaining momentum in the internship hunt. I've been scouring various job posting sources online for the last few days and have begun to compile a realistic list of companies to which I would like to apply. Within in the next week or so, I plan on sending out preliminary emails to gage who is and is not looking for interns during the summer semester. Hopefully I will receive positive feedback and will be able to continue with the application process shortly thereafter.
I have had the idea that perhaps I might be able to contact casting offices within larger television networks- ABC or NBC for example. The summer seasons, as I've been told though, is typically TV's off season so I don't know how successful I would be there. Theatrical or movie-related offices, or even talent agencies, may have more consistent scheduling. At this point it's all supposition- and a lot of greatly needed optimism at that.
As for my resume, I should get on top of updating that.
I just wish that there was a clearer way to all of this.
fall break,
school: internship,
school: gtc