Fic: Lost

Jul 22, 2008 04:58

Title: Lost
Author: Chosenfire
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN. All recognizable characters and situations belong to their respective owners and I make no profit off of playing with them.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count 843
Characters: Dean, Sam, John, Cameron
Spoilers: TSCC post season 1, SPN post season 3
Challenge: June
Prompt: Dhfreak’s “Lost” Fanart
Summary: Dean clawed his way out of Hell and is now running from his past and his brother. He was to stop running when he comes across someone else that needs to be protected.

A/N: I kept starting and finishing this fic and finally got it done last night. Enjoy and comment.

It had been three weeks since Dean had escaped hell and things were far from normal. He was avoiding Sam, his little side trip to hell had left him with all kinds of psychic crap powers, and he had picked up two strays at a gas station.

One of them was a 16 year old boy claiming to be the future savior of mankind and the other was a freaking robot masquerading as hot jailbait.

Apparently, Sammy boy hadn’t burned his body, he had kept it alive, barely. His corpse had been running on machines for months and it was lucky for him because it had been the first place he had been pulled to after he had clawed his way out of hell.

Instead of sticking around and waiting for his brother to find him Dean had took off before the nurses at the hospital had even known he was awake. It was instinct, he had woke up in an unfamiliar place with the remains of agony still searing through his veins. The air in his lungs had burned and his whole body throbbed with the memory of his flesh being torn from his bones.

So he had gottent he hell out of that place.

When things had become less murkie, less choatic, Dean had still stayed away unable to bring himself to face Sam when he couldn’t be the same person he had been, when the strength he had always offered had been torn away and all that remained was nightmares and the echoes of his screams.

He knew Sam was looking for him, one of the weirdo powers that had started popping up. Sometimes he saw him in his dreams, reaching out for him and he knew Sam could see it too, could feel it.

He had been all set to disappear for awhile. He knew Sam was okay for the time being and looking after his car so he had borrowed a piece of junk at a used car lot, had changed the plates and had been on his way to somewhere deserted and quiet.

Somewhere where his screams in the dead of night didn’t wake the people in the room next door.

He had planned on getting his sanity back, finding who he used to be.

He hadn’t planned on babysitting Sammy’s younger more depressing self and his pet toaster.

“So you’re saying in the future robots have turned to the world into some kind of Hell and the only hope for those you survive is Emo boy?” Dean asked scepticly.

“Yes.” Cameron confirmed her voice flat and her eyes locked on Dean’s.

“Well, shit.” Dean muttered turning away from the robot girl cause damn she freaked him out more than a little and back to John Connor “And you believe this shit?”

John’s mouth turned up at the corners as he looked down his whole body screaming lost little boy “Yeah, I do.” His voice was deeper than a sixteen year old boy’s should be and his shoulder’s slumped in a way that definitely didn’t scream future leader of mankind “How else do you explain the metal under her skin?”

Dean frowned cause the boy had him there, the skin of her arm from where he had shot her full of slat rounds showed only a gleaming silver under life like flesh.

He clenched his fists at his sides and turned back to Cameron because even if boy wonder was suppose to be in charge one day clearly now robot chick wore the pants, tight, black leather pants.

“And there’s absolutely no one else you can think of that can look after him?”

“No,” she stated her words leaving no room for agrument “Sarah Connor and Derek Reese are missing, possibly dead, you are his nearest living relative.” Dean watched as John flinched at her words his whole boy tightening and eyes closing and he decided then that he would do this.

John was his family, only because of some screwed up future hopping cousin that had fathered the kid before his younger self was even born. Apparently, his mom had a little sister and that little sister was two boys, Derek and Kyle Reese.

“Fine.” Dean growled at pointing at Cameron “but you sleep on the floor, I don’t want to be dealing with his teenage hormones and what ever freaky shit you two can think up together.”

So now Dean had a nice two bedroom house and younger “siblings” enrolled in the nearby school.

John spent every day after school on the computer trying to track his mom and uncle down while Dean hoped like hell Cameron’s fake documents were good enough to keep Sam off his trail now that he put down roots.

Because his little brother was still reaching for him in his dreams and if he had to watch John break down one more time when the boy hit more dead ends Dean might give in and let Sam find him.

He was much better at all the emotional touchy feely crap.

*fic, fandom: supernatural, #chosenfire28, !challenge entry

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