"Fate Twice Defied" - Chapter 10: Course Correction

Nov 09, 2008 16:04

sometimes, a chapter just writes itself. I love it when the creative juices are flowing freely. Yes, in this chapter, a certain greasy-haired potions professor makes his first appearance, and Travis is not amused. Do watch the sparks fly!

Title: Fate Twice Defied
Chapter Title: 10 - Course Correction
Fandoms: Harry Potter/T: Sarah Connor Chronicles
Pairing: Harry Potter/John Connor
Story Rating: PG-13
Chapter Word count: ~7,749
Warning(s): Violence, coarse language, drug use.
Summary: The summer following 5th year, Harry Potter decides to start looking out for No. 1, and that included a change of scenery. Meeting another boy with similar problems, was NOT the idea. xover with Sarah Connor Chronicles. SLASH! eventual HarryxJohn
Disclaimer: See first chapter
Chapter Summary: Travis' bid to save his father results in a not-so-pleasant start to Harry's birthday… Dumbledore is forced to rethink his strategy regarding the Boy-Who-Lived… professor Snape makes an appearance… and one of the captured terminators unexpectedly restarts.

( Chapter 10 - Course Correction )

( Table Of Contents )

rating: pg13, ~slash, fandom: hp, pairing: john, #austin316hockey

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